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We help individuals flourish mentally.


We provide support to those who needs therapy

Financial Support

We provide financial assistance to families who have endured the tragedy of loss through suicide

Mental health

We help those experiencing mental challenges get the cure they need


We provide scholarships for those pursuing a degree in mental health  


Support our cause

Good Mental Health for all

The Mabel Sodeinde Foundation is dedicated to fostering social justice, equality, and mental well-being within marginalized communities, with a primary focus on people of color. Our mission is to provide vital scholarship support for individuals pursuing a degree in mental health, empowering them to make a lasting impact in their communities. Additionally, we strive to extend financial assistance and compassionate support to families who have endured the tragedy of loss through suicide, while actively working towards preventing such devastating outcomes. Through our unwavering commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by communities of color, we aim to create a more inclusive society where mental health resources are accessible, equitable, and transformative for all.